Meet Your Instructors

Dungeons & Drama

Monday, May 20, 2024

Dungeons & Dragons is a game powered by imagination and an emboldening playground for theater folks. With the freedom to create your own character, engage in improvised roleplay and attack high-stakes scenarios with your fellow adventurers, you and your party truly become the authors of your own narrative. We will roll dice and fight monsters as we build confidence, make bold choices, and celebrate vulnerability. Participants will receive a crash course in the fundamentals of Dungeons & Dragons and play through a short adventure. Whether you are a TTRPG veteran or have been looking for a chance to give it a try, we will explore how a dash of fantasy can be the perfect way to challenge and enliven your professional craft!

Dates: Monday, May 20
Wilma Theater/Good Karma Cafe


about your instructors

Campbell O’Hare is a Barrymore Award-winning actor and member of the Wilma Hothouse acting company. She has performed at Theatre Horizon, Arden Theatre Company, Theatre Exile, Lantern Theater Company, Act II Playhouse, Delaware Theatre Company and more. Campbell is a founding member of Critical Fayle DM & The Goons, a TTRPG podcast & video producing collective harnessing the imaginative possibilities of tabletop roleplaying games to build community, cultivate enthusiasm and celebrate vulnerability. She plays Winnie Winchester in the Curse of Strahd real-play podcast Critical Fayle DM & The Goons: The Strahdcast!

Trevor William Fayle has appeared on stage at The Wilma Theater, Lantern Theater Company, Theatre Exile, InterAct Theatre Company, Tiny Dynamite and more. He serves as Game Master for the D&D actual-play podcast Critical Fayle DM & The Goons: The Strahdcast! Trevor believes in the supernaturally powerful art of pretend and that TTRPGs can be enjoyed by absolutely anyone! He attempts to foster a space at his tables where love & fun are shared generously, where people feel as safe being silly as they do deadly serious and as free to learn the lute as they are to slay dragons.