Wilma Workshops

The Wilma Theater offers courses in multiple disciplines including acting, directing, producing and more. Check here for the latest offerings.

Monday, May 20 (6:00-9:00pm) Dungeons & Dragons is a game powered by imagination and an emboldening playground for theater folks. With the freedom to create your own character, engage in improvised roleplay and attack high-stakes scenarios with your fellow adventurers, you and your party truly become the authors of your own narrative.
July 29th – Aug 2 Apply now for the HotHouse Summer Training Institute led by HotHouse Company Member Justin Jain, director of The Good Person of Setzuan. This intensive will immerse students in the dynamic physical and vocal techniques of the HotHouse, and encourage ensemble, openness, creativity,  and rigorous play!  Students will receive five days of training alongside Wilma HotHouse company members on the Wilma’s mainstage.