by Charles L. Mee Directed by Jiri Zizka
March 19 – April 26, 2003
An idyllic Italian villa. Suddenly, the golden summer evening is shattered by the arrival of fifty runaway brides, fleeing a mysterious arranged marriage. And a spectacular, unique piece of theater begins. A sensation at the famed Brooklyn Academy of Music, Big Love draws on almost every kind of theatrical performance to tell the story of some feisty women and the men who think they own them. Sizzling dialogue, vaudeville, slapstick, special effects, philosophical insights, violence, soaring poetry, pop songs, suspense, surrealistic dance — all these and more paint a startling picture of the relations of men and women, and the nature of love, in our time. This is a transcendent theatrical journey full of joy, sadness, rage, humor and wisdom. No one who has seen it is ever likely to forget it.